Friday, December 3, 2010

The Beginning

I'm so excited to be FINALLY up and blogging!  Even though I tried to upload some crazy fonts that didn't work, I'm still pleased with the way it turned out.  So where do I even begin???  I guess I can start by explaining why my blog is called what it is.  It's named No More Neutral for a couple of reasons.  The first is I've been gliding through the past couple of years in what seems like a "neutral" state.  I've been just letting life happen to me and I'm done.  I'm ready to take control and become the mother, wife and friend that God intended me to be.  The second reason the blog is named No More Neutral is because I've decided my decor in my home could use a little spicing up!  If you know me at all, you know I love a new craft project.  It challanges my creativity and makes me feel as though this is the gift that God gave me.  I love using that gift always.  Because of this "gift" though, I'm constantly thinking of new projects to do around my house.  I currently have about 470 projects going on (okay, not really, but it feels like that sometimes.)  Whenever I get a wild hankerin' to try something new, I go for it.  I'm all in.  This blog is mainly going to consist of my projects and my life going from neutral to crazy, funky brightness!!!  It's going to be a blast!  So for all that are going to follow, PLEASE bear with me.  I'm new to this "blogging" thing and I will slowly but surely get it all figured out!  Thanks for reading about my boring/not so boring life!

1 comment:

  1. yay! Welcome to the blogging world! :) I look forward to reading your creative posts! You are an amazing person and an AMAZING designer!!
